03-18-2009, Saat: 03:42 AM
arkadaşlar burası yerimidir bilmiyorum değil ise yetkili arkadaşlar yerine taşır zahmet verdiğim için özür dilerim...
bu günlerde msn'ine yada posta adresine böyle bir mail gelen oldumu
''New Life Foundation
Gomoa District \
Central region of Ghana
Good day my dear friend,I hope you are fine and good , I am waiting with great anticipation to hear from you regarding my offer I am Rev.Kenneth a director of the above mentioned foundation.I am writing you in regard to a good friend of mine and founder of the New Life Foundation foreigner who was the managing director of an Oil marketing firm here in Ghana.
He established these foundation to help less privileged minority people in our society which it was doing before the unfortunate death of its founder.
I am to conduct a standard process Investigation/Recommendation on behalf of The Bank Ghana.This involves the late founder of our foundation who shares the same surname with you and also the circumstances surrounding his private funds deposited with The Trust Bank Ghana, the bank contacted me a month ago as the director of his foundation and a trustee to recommend a next of kin to the funds since he (Our Late founder) died intestate and nominated no successor in title over the fund deposit made with the bank amounting to US$10 Million (Ten Million Dollars).
The essence of this communication with you is to request that you provide me with information/comments on any or all of the four issues as regards nominating you to inherit the fund left behind since you are a foreigner with the same surname hence eligible to stand for claim of the funds.
I have therefore contacted you to be legally nominated as next of kin (inheritor) to Our Late founder after all inquiries and investigation even with the relevant embassy has yielded results showing that there is no known or living next of kin. You are required therefore to answer this questions to enable me make my recommendation to The Trust Bank Ghana.
-Can you confirm your willingness to accept this inheritance if you are legally and legitimately nominated through my recommendation to the bank and approved to stand as inheritor to this funds.
-Would you agree to donate 60% of this inheritance to our charity organization if you are officially recommended to the bank in my powers to stand as the inheritor?
To know more about our charity organization please call me +233-2481-59985 or write me on this email
You must appreciate that I am constrained from providing you with more detailed information at this point. Please respond to this mail as soon as possible to afford me the opportunity to provide you with more information on matter and upon your consent proceed with the recommendation of your person to the bank as the inheritor of the funds.
Thank you for accommodating this inquiry.
Remain Blessed.
Rev.Kenneth Akufo ''[/COLOR]
gelen olduysa eğer ilgilenip çeviri yaptınızmı ya ben bu nu merek ettim nedir bu bilgim yok bunu cevircek derecede ingilizcem de yok arkadaşlar sizlerden biri bana bunun türkçe çevirisini yapabilirmi ben cok merak ettim bunu gerçi fazla merak iyi değildir ama napiim merak işte
şimdiden çok teşekkür ederim..:tey:
bu günlerde msn'ine yada posta adresine böyle bir mail gelen oldumu
''New Life Foundation
Gomoa District \
Central region of Ghana
Good day my dear friend,I hope you are fine and good , I am waiting with great anticipation to hear from you regarding my offer I am Rev.Kenneth a director of the above mentioned foundation.I am writing you in regard to a good friend of mine and founder of the New Life Foundation foreigner who was the managing director of an Oil marketing firm here in Ghana.
He established these foundation to help less privileged minority people in our society which it was doing before the unfortunate death of its founder.
I am to conduct a standard process Investigation/Recommendation on behalf of The Bank Ghana.This involves the late founder of our foundation who shares the same surname with you and also the circumstances surrounding his private funds deposited with The Trust Bank Ghana, the bank contacted me a month ago as the director of his foundation and a trustee to recommend a next of kin to the funds since he (Our Late founder) died intestate and nominated no successor in title over the fund deposit made with the bank amounting to US$10 Million (Ten Million Dollars).
The essence of this communication with you is to request that you provide me with information/comments on any or all of the four issues as regards nominating you to inherit the fund left behind since you are a foreigner with the same surname hence eligible to stand for claim of the funds.
I have therefore contacted you to be legally nominated as next of kin (inheritor) to Our Late founder after all inquiries and investigation even with the relevant embassy has yielded results showing that there is no known or living next of kin. You are required therefore to answer this questions to enable me make my recommendation to The Trust Bank Ghana.
-Can you confirm your willingness to accept this inheritance if you are legally and legitimately nominated through my recommendation to the bank and approved to stand as inheritor to this funds.
-Would you agree to donate 60% of this inheritance to our charity organization if you are officially recommended to the bank in my powers to stand as the inheritor?
To know more about our charity organization please call me +233-2481-59985 or write me on this email
You must appreciate that I am constrained from providing you with more detailed information at this point. Please respond to this mail as soon as possible to afford me the opportunity to provide you with more information on matter and upon your consent proceed with the recommendation of your person to the bank as the inheritor of the funds.
Thank you for accommodating this inquiry.
Remain Blessed.
Rev.Kenneth Akufo ''[/COLOR]
gelen olduysa eğer ilgilenip çeviri yaptınızmı ya ben bu nu merek ettim nedir bu bilgim yok bunu cevircek derecede ingilizcem de yok arkadaşlar sizlerden biri bana bunun türkçe çevirisini yapabilirmi ben cok merak ettim bunu gerçi fazla merak iyi değildir ama napiim merak işte