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bütün emo grupları
1. 12 Step Romance
2. A Static Lullaby
3. A Thorn For Every Heart
4. AFI
5. Acceptance
6. After The Fall
7. Alesana
8. Alexisonfire
9. All American Rejects
10. American Football
11. Ampere
12. Anadivine
13. Anatomy Of A Ghost
14. And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
15. Angel Hair
16. Antioch Arrow
17. April's Love Affair
18. Armor For Sleep
19. Arthur
20. At The Drive-In
21. Ataris
22. Bad Astronaut
23. Bayside
24. Beloved
25. Best Of Winter
26. Bleeding Hearts Melody
27. Boy Sets Fire
28. Boys Life
29. Boys Night Out
30. Braid
31. Brand New
32. Brave Saint Saturn
33. Brazil
34. Breaking Pangea
35. Bright Eyes
36. Buxton
37. Canterbury Effect
38. Cap'n Jazz
39. Car Crash At Midway
40. Chamberlain
41. Chervona Rutta
42. Christie Front Drive
43. City of Caterpillar
44. Clikatat Ikatowi
45. Coheed And Cambria
46. Colossal
47. Commander Venus
48. Cool Hand Luke
49. Copeland
50. Count The Stars
51. Cross My Heart
52. Curbside Service
53. Current
54. Cursive
55. Daphne Loves Derby
56. Dashboard Confessional
57. Days Away
58. Dead Poetic
59. Death Cab for Cutie
60. Denver Harbor
61. Desert City Soundtrack
62. Divide by Zero
63. Dogwood
64. Drag Down First
65. Drive Like Jehu
66. Elliot
67. Embassy
68. Embrace
69. Emery
70. Emosideproject
71. End of Julia
72. Ever Since July
73. Ever We Fall
74. Evergreen
75. Fall Out Boy
76. Fall of Transition
77. Fear Before the March of Flames
78. Feeling Left Out
79. Fighting Jacks
80. Finch
81. Finding Westerly
82. Floodgate
83. Fly By Night
84. Four Hundred Years
85. Frail
86. Friction
87. From First To Last
88. Funeral for a Friend
89. Further Seems Forever
90. Glassjaw
91. Good Charlotte
92. Gray Matter
93. Greeley Estates
94. Hawthorne Heights
95. Heroin
96. Hey Mercedes
97. Hidden In Plain View
98. Hiding With Girls
99. Hoover
100. Hot Cross
101. Hot Rod Circuit
102. Hot Water Music
103. Hundred Reasons
104. I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business
105. I Hate Myself
106. Ignition
107. Indian Summer
108. Jamison Parker
109. Jawbreaker
110. Jets To Brazil
111. Jimmy Eat World
112. Joan of Arc
113. Julia
114. Karate
115. Keepsake
116. Kerosene 454
117. Kevin Devine
118. Kind of Like Spitting
119. Kissing Chaos
120. Knapsack
121. Last Days of April
122. Last Weeks November
123. Letter Kills
124. Lifetime
125. Lincoln
126. Mae
127. Matchbook Romance
128. Maxeen
129. Maximillian Colby
130. MeWithoutYou
131. Melee
132. Merel
133. Midtown
134. Mineral
135. Modern Dance
136. Mohinder
137. Moneen
138. Monsula
139. Moss Icon
140. Motion City Soundtrack
141. My Captain
142. My Chemical Romance
143. My Seasonal Reject
144. Native Nod
145. Navio Forge
146. Noneleftstanding
147. Northstar
148. Off By One
149. On The Might of Princes
150. Onelinedrawing
151. Ordination of Aaron
152. Outsmarting Simon
153. Owls
154. Panic! At The Disco
155. Pasta Rocket
156. Perfect Mistake
157. Piebald
158. Policy of Three
159. Pop Unknown
160. Pretty Girls Make Graves
161. Punchline
162. Rainer Maria
163. Red Admiral
164. Red Animal War
165. Remember Maine
166. Reunion Show
167. Rites Of Spring
168. Rufio
169. Samiam
170. Saosin
171. Saves the Day
172. Selfmademan
173. Sensefield
174. Senses Fail
175. Shotmaker
176. Shroomunion
177. Sideshow
178. Silver Bearings
179. Silverstein
180. Sleepytime Trio
181. Slick Shoes
182. Slow Coming Day
183. Someone Hollow
184. Something Corporate
185. Soulside
186. Sparta
187. Split Lip
188. Spoken
189. Starflyer 59
190. Stars Hide Fire
191. Still Life
192. Stoleyourwoman
193. Stories and Comics
194. Story of the Year
195. Straylight Run
196. Student Rick
197. Sunny Day Real Estate
198. Swing Kids
199. Taking Back Sunday
200. Tegan and Sara
201. Texas is the Reason
202. The Academy Is
203. The Almost
204. The Anniversary
205. The Appleseed Cast
206. The Beautiful Mistake
207. The Classic Crime
208. The December Drive
209. The Early November
210. The Escape Engine
211. The Get-up Kids
212. The Gloria Record
213. The Good Life
214. The Hated
215. The Jealous Sound
216. The Juliana Theory
217. The June Spirit
218. The Junior Varsity
219. The Last Chance Diaries
220. The Legion of Doom
221. The Lyndsay Diaries
222. The Movielife
223. The New Amsterdams
224. The Postal Service
225. The Promise Ring
226. The Receiving End of Sirens
227. The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
228. The Rocking Horse
229. The Snake the Cross the Crown
230. The Spill Canvas
231. The Starting Line
232. The Used
233. The Years Best
234. Thrice
235. Thursday
236. Time And Distance
237. Time Spent Driving
238. To Say The Least
239. Ultimate Fakebook
240. Umbrellas
241. Underoath
242. Unwound
243. Waking Ashland
244. Waterdown
245. Weezer
246. You And I

Bunlardan tavsiye ettiklerim AFI,Fall Out Boy,A Static Lullaby,A Thorn For Every Heart,Alesana,After The Fall,Acceptance,Tegan And Sara,Sensefield,My Chemical Romance,Death Cab For Cutie,Thrice,The Used,The Get Up Kids,Panic At The Disco,Matchbook Romance'dir
bular tam olarak neyın pesınde amacları ne selo yaBig GrinBig Grin
farklı tarzda roc yani rock ve metal karışımı bir müzik tarzı dinle güzel aslında ritimler felan
okulda su sana kapat sunları dedıgım muzıkler deyılmı bunlarBig GrinBig Grin
tam onlar işte ama onlar biraz hafif olanları
ne bıde hafıfımı :S:S bunlar daha agır yanı Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
evet bunlar hard rock ibi yani sert Big Grin
ha ben anlamadıgım ıcın hıc konusmayım ama muslum falan acarsan konu olarak yazarım bısıler
Big GrinBig Grin
olur görürsem söylerim Big Grin
gorbence bıran onceBig GrinBig Grin

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Konuyu Okuyanlar: 1 Ziyaretçi
  Tarih: 03-14-2025, 02:38 PM